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Socratic Logic Peter Kreeft Pdf Download



  • How to Destroy Western Civilization NEW — Mar 2021
  • Wisdom of the Heart — Good, True, Beautiful
  • Ask Peter Kreeft — 100 Interesting Questions!

Theology and Logic

  • 40 Reasons I Am a Catholic also hear 70x7 Reasons [ YouTube ]
  • The 100 Greatest Philosophers — Socrates' Children
  • 52 Big Ideas — from 32 Great Minds
  • Practical Theology — Spiritual Direction from Aquinas
  • Letters to an Atheist — Wrestling with Faith
  • Summa Philosophica — 110 key questions in philosophy
  • Handbook of Christian Apologetics — Life's most crucial questions
  • Handbook of Christian Apologetics (Pocket Version)
  • Fundamentals of the Faith — Inspiring essays in Christian apologetics
  • You Can Understand the Bible — A Practical Guide To Each Book
  • Catholic Christianity — A complete commentary on Catholic Catechism
  • Summa of the Summa — The essential passages of Summa Theologica
  • A Shorter Summa — The essential passages of Summa Theologica (shorter)
  • The Philosophy of Jesus — The wisdom of Christ
  • Yes or No? — Straight answers to tough questions about Christianity
  • Socratic Logic — A Logic Text

Relating to God

  • I Burned for Your Peace — Augustine's Confessions Unpacked
  • How to Be Holy — First Steps in Becoming a Saint
  • Doors in the Walls of the World — Signs of Transcendence
  • Prayer For Beginners — An accessible, concise primer on prayer
  • Charisms: Visions, Tongues, Healing   [transcript of audio]
  • Prayer: The Great Conversation — Straight answers to tough questions
  • The God Who Loves You — All loves excelling
  • Back to Virtue — Traditional moral wisdom for modern moral confusion
  • Wisdom from the Psalms — inexhaustible inspiration
  • Jacob's Ladder — Ten Steps to Truth
  • Probes: — Deep Sea Diving into Saint John's Gospel
  • Making Choices — Practical wisdom for everyday moral decisions
  • A Pocket Guide to the Meaning of Life
  • The Journey — Lively dialogues dealing with life's moral dilemmas
  • Making Sense Out of Suffering — A brave look into meaning
  • Three Philosophies of Life — Ecclesiastes, Job, and Song of Songs

C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Pascal

  • Between Heaven and Hell — C.S. Lewis, John Kennedy, Aldous Huxley
  • Shadowlands — Behind the movie, Lewis's most moving passages
  • C.S. Lewis for the Third Millennium — Essays on The Abolition of Man
  • The Philosophy of Tolkien — The Lordship of Christ in Lord of the Rings
  • Celebrating Middle Earth: Lord of the Rings — On western civilization
  • Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensées — Surprising insights

The Culture War

  • Jesus-Shock — The live Christ
  • Catholics and Protestants — Learning from each other
  • Between One Faith and Another
  • How to Win the Culture War — The Call, Enemies and Battlefields
  • Ecumenical Jihad — A combat manual for the culture wars
  • A Refutation of Moral Relativism — A conversation
  • Three Approaches to Abortion — A thoughtful and compassionate guide
  • The Unaborted Socrates — A dramatic debate on abortion
  • The Snakebite Letters — Devilishly devious secrets for subverting society
  • Between Allah and Jesus — Learning from Muslims (Author Commentary)


  • If Einstein Had Been a Surfer — A Philosophy of Surfing
  • I Surf, Therefore I Am — An exploration of Surfing
  • The Sea Within — Waves and the Meaning of All Things


  • Socrates' Children: Ancient Greatest 100 — NEW
  • Socrates' Children: Medieval Greatest 100 — NEW
  • Socrates' Children: Modern Greatest 100 — NEW
  • Socrates' Children: Contemporary Greatest 100 — NEW
  • The Platonic Tradition — NEW
  • A Socratic Intro to Plato's Republic
  • Philosophy 101 by Socrates — An introduction via Plato's Apology
  • The Best Things in Life — Socrates probes success, power and pleasure.
  • Socrates Meets Decartes — Questions modern Discourse on Method
  • Socrates Meets Hume — Questions the Father of Modern Skepticism
  • Socrates Meets Jesus — Questions Christ.  See the play!
  • Socrates Meets Kant — Questions this most influential modern child
  • Socrates Meets Kierkegaard — Questions the founder of Christian existentialism
  • Socrates Meets Machiavelli — Questions the author of The Prince
  • Socrates Meets Marx — Questions the founder of communism
  • Socrates Meets Sartre — Questions the founder of existentialism


  • Because God Is Real — Sixteen questions, one answer
  • Talking to Your Children About Being Catholic — A treasure trove of ideas
  • Your Questions, God's Answers — Solid responses for Catholic teens
  • Before I Go — Letters to Children About What Really Matters


  • Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Heaven — One look
  • Love Is Stronger Than Death — Our terminal illness explored with God
  • Angels and Demons — What do we really know about them?
  • Heaven, the Heart's Deepest Longing — A fascinating search for total joy


  • An Ocean Full of Angels  (Also: the Strange Story behind the novel)


  • The Philosopher's Bench — with Dr. Tom Howard

Highly Recommended by Dr. Kreeft

  • Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
  • The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
  • Lost in the Cosmos by Walker Percy
  • The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton
  • Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton
  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  • Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Audio Courseware

  • Ethics — Moral Thought in History
  • Faith & Reason — The Philosophy of Religion
  • The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas — Summa Theologica
  • The Platonic Tradition — Plato's central idea: The Theory of Forms

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